Since the company’s founding in 1991, we have maintained a rapid growth rate and expansion of our client base. We have led top projects in our sectors in multiple
countries and regions and continuously expanded our scope of activities and expertise.

Sept 2020

Award of Best Greek Energy Consultancy of 2020
by the Greek Energy Forum      

Apr 2020

The climate change developments have inspired the internal re-organization of the company to better adapt to the new spectrum of services on energy transition, decarbonization and on resilience, defensive measures due to forthcoming environmental conditions.

Feb 2018

Application of an Information Security Management System according to ISO 27001:2013 and Transition of ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015

Feb 2016

Market assessment of alternative fuels in Sub-Saharan Africa

Jul 2015

East Med – environmental assessment at feasibility study level

Mar 2014

First major international project in water & sanitation sector

Oct 2013

Application of Energy Efficiency measures in Buildings (EPBD, BREEAM)

Feb 2012

Design of Green Certificates systems for Renewables and CHP


Jul 2011

Participation in support and evaluation of EU budget support programs

Mar 2010

Establishment of Exergia Water Management Division

Feb 2009

Preparation of Climate Change policies for countries and companies

Aug 2008

Involvement to EIA of major Gas Pipeline projects

Jul 2007

First significant project in Sub-Saharan Africa

Mar 2006

Penetration in the markets of the Arabic countries

May 2005

Expansion of the Environmental Department to non-energy projects

Mar 2004

Establishment of Gas Market in Greece

May 2003

Development of significant IPP power projects

Feb 2002

Support of Electricity Market Liberalization in Greece

Sept 2001

First design of present Vassilikos Energy Centre in Cyprus

Jul 2000

Application of a Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:1994

Feb 2000

Penetration in program/project evaluation

May 1999

Expansion to southeast Asia markets

Mar 1998

Initiation of project activity in Turkey

Jun 1997

Initiator of the Western Balkans energy market

Jan 1996

Establishment of EXERGIA Environmental Department

Jan 1995

Implementation of major Energy Efficiency interventions in CEE and CIS

Feb 1994

Leader in EU design of Energy Efficiency Policies

Aug 1993

First TACIS contractor for energy project in Russia

Jun 1992

Member of the OPET network of the EU

Nov. 1991

EXERGIA was founded as Energy Consultancy