Network of international experts
Network of international experts
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Formulation of energy strategy and planning
Support for “EU leading the Global Energy Transition”, EuropeAid, EU Third Countries
Consulting services for Long-term energy scenarios, capacity building, World Bank and Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Turkey
Support to the Government of Azerbaijan to develop energy sector, EC and Ministry of Energy, Azerbaijan
Technical assistance for the implementation of the sector policy support programme “Support to reform of the energy sector”, Ministry of Economy, Moldova
Technical assistance for the implementation of the Energy Community Treaty, EC and Ministry of Economy, Montenegro
Support and development of renewable sources of energy in Ukraine/ establishment of a biomass ESCO, EuropeAid, Ukraine
Update/ Upgrade of the “Energy Development Strategy of Montenegro by 2030” (Green Book and draft White Paper), Ministry of Economy, Montenegro
Technical assistance to support the Energy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations (MOFTER), EC and MOFTER, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Technical assistance to strengthen Albanian Transmission System Operator, WB and Albanian Power Corporation, Albania
Development of an energy strategy for Bosnia-Herzegovina, PHARE Programme, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations (MOFTER), Bosnia-Herzegovina
Technical assistance services to the Ministry of Infrastructure for the planning and implementation of the Sector Budget Support Programme, Kigali-Rwanda, EuropeAid, Rwanda
Support to the Zambia energy sector: Increased access to electricity and renewable energy production, Technical Assistance Facility for the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative, EuropeAid, West and Central Africa
Development of a communication strategy for fuel reform, WB, Egypt
Decarbonization and policy on low carbon fuels
Analysis of the potential impact of Lower Carbon Aviation Fuels (LCAF) in the European alternative fuel sector, JRC, EU
Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) roadmap for Ethiopia, RSB, Ethiopia
Support for alternative and renewable liquid and gaseous fuels Forum (policy and market issues) , EC/DG ENER, EU
Market study: opportunities for the use of alternative fuels in the cement sector in Sub-Saharan Africa, IFC, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Senegal, Kenya
Align biofuel GHG emission calculations in Europe – BioGrace, DG RTD/ Intelligent Energy Europe, EU countries
Co-ordination Action Biofuels Cities European Partnership (CAB-CEP), EC /DG TREN, various EU countries
Strategy for the deployment of biofuels for transport in the Eastern European market, EC / DG TREN, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine
Feasibility study and preparation of Investors Dossier for a refinement unit of Used Cooking Oils (UCO) for production of biodiesel, Private Client, Greece
Sustainable biomass supply logistics for advanced biofuels production, CONCAWE/Imperial Consultants, European countries
Agricultural and biofuels overviews around Africa for the identification of most suitable opportunities for investment, TOTAL, African countries
Support study on the evaluation of Article 7A of the Fuel Quality Directive (FQD) and assessment of approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport fuels, EC/DG CLIMA, EU
Support for policy and market development for alternative and renewable transport fuels and products, EC/DG ENER, EU
Analysis of RED II and its options for implementation (transport fuels), private client, Greece
SRSS support to the preparation of territorial just transition plans in CREECE and Cyprus, EC/SRSS, Greece, Cyprus
Feasibility study for the production and processing of the solaris crop and mapping of biofuel investment landscape, GIZ, Ethiopia
Energy policy implementation activities
Design of an off-grid Information portal for Zambia, World Bank, Zambia
Development of an online information platform and repository on solar energy for the International Solar Alliance, EuropeAid, India
Development of a Communication Strategy for Fuel Reform, WB and Ministry of Petroleum (MoP), Egypt
Support to the Ministry of Economy in regulatory framework improvement related to renewable energy, World Bank, Montenegro
The perspective of Turkish enterprises in view of joining the EU: problems, challenges and solutions, public and private organizations (Ministries, industry sectors, public bodies assigned with EU accession planning, etc.), Turkey
Training on energy conservation in Industry, Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism, MECIT, Cyprus
Training in Romania on European Affairs – Energy Policy, EuropeAid Government of Romania, Romania
Energy Reform Support Programme in Azerbaijan: External review missions, Ministry of Economic Development, Azerbaijan
Support to the Ukrainian Agency on Energy Efficiency (NAER), EuropeAid, Ukraine
Design and preparation of technical specifications for an information system for the monitoring of radioactive sources and activities, National Commission for the Control of Nuclear Activities – CNCAN, Romania
Mid-term evaluation of the Europe China Clean Energy Centre (EC2) project, EuropeAid, China
Final Evaluation of Nigerian Energy Support Programme, EuropeAid, Government of Federal Republic of Nigeria, Nigeria
Evaluation consultant of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship” 2007 – 2013 (OPCE II), Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness and Shipping, Greece
Ex-ante Evaluation of the Operational Energy Programme 2000-2006 of the 3rdCommunity Support Framework, Ministry of National Economy, Greece
Evaluation of proposals for the ACP-EC Energy facility, EuropeAid, Kenya
Missions on Energy/Energy efficiency/Renewables, EuropeAid, Belarus
Technical Assistance to the Montenegrin Energy Efficiency Unit (MEEU), European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR), Montenegro
Support of Slovenian utilities towards implementation of Demand Side Management programmes, Ministry of Economic Affairs, EuropeAid, Slovenia
Design of an online Information hub for mini-grid developers and investors in Tanzania, International Finance Corporation (IFC), Tanzania
Elaboration of SE4ALL Investment Prospectuses in 8 of 15 ECOWAS member states, Technical Assistance Facility for SE4ALL initiative, EuropeAid, West and Central Africa
Evaluation of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme (REEEP), GIZ, Bangladesh
Establishing and strengthening of capabilities of the conformity assessment bodies for the implementation of Energy Labelling and Eco-Design Directives, EuropeAid, Serbia
Development of the Electricity Quality Manual and description of systems required for energy quality monitoring, HEDNO (Greek DSO), Greece
Revision of the Electricity Market Code and the Transmission and Distribution Codes in order to incorporate provisions related to Electricity Storage, Cypriot Transmission System Operator, Cyprus
Business plan on retail electricity market, Private Client, Greece
Harmonization of electricity transmission and distribution rules with electricity market rules, Cypriot Transmission System Operator, Cyprus
Institutional capacity building of the Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Authority (EEUCPRA), EuropeAid and Ministry of International Cooperation, Egypt
Preparation of Twinning project and provision of assistance to National Commission for State Energy Regulation of Ukraine in the area of electricity market regulation, EuropeAid, Ukraine
Setting up the Energy Sector Regulatory Commission of Jordan, EuropeAid and Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources (MEMR), Jordan
Improvement of electricity procurement procedures, Albanian Electricity Utility (KESH), Albania
Preparation of PPC for the provision of energy services and the development of the business strategy, Public Power Corporation, Greece
Electricity market assessment studies for new Independent Power Producers (IPP), private clients, Greece
Analysis of the Greek electricity sector, TRACTEBEL, Greece
Evaluation of tenders for the procurement of the Information System for the Electricity Power Exchange, OPCOM, Romania
Market monitoring system for the electricity market in Greece, Regulatory Authority for Energy, Greece
Development of specifications for a Regulatory Information System, Turkish Energy Regulator (EMRA), Turkey
Support for the finalization of the specifications for the Market Monitoring Information System, Hungarian Energy Regulator (HEO), Hungary
Development of a simulation model of the Day-Ahead market operation, Private Client/Electricity Supplier, Greece
Institutional building support to the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) of Kosovo, European Agency for Reconstruction, Kosovo
Legal and tariffs and pricing services for the Energy Regulatory Office, EAR and Energy Regulatory Office (ERO), Kosovo
Technical assistance to Strengthen the Albanian Transmission System Operator (ATSO), Albanian Electricity Utility (KESH), Albania
Assistance in the implementation of electricity market opening and privatization strategy development, Electricity Regulatory Agency, Montenegro
Setting up the Energy Sector Regulatory Commission of Jordan, Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources, Jordan
Study and Support of the collaboration of the Hellenic Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) with the regulatory authorities of S-E Europe, RAE and regulators of S-E Europe countries
Electricity market review of Japan, International Energy Agency (IEA), Japan
Conformity Check of the functional unbundling of the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) as per the national liberalization regime, Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority (CERA), Cyprus
Consulting services for the selection of alternative electricity supplier by a cement industry, Private Client, Greece
Bulgaria-Energy Sector Regulatory Development Programme – strengthening the capacity of the Energy Regulator in Bulgaria – Phase 1 & 2, EBRD and Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC), Bulgaria
Provision of consulting services for setting up an electricity supplier in Cyprus, private client, Cyprus
Oil and gas
CNG supply chain costs calculation, Private Energy Supplier, Greece
Business plan for gas market department, Private Gas Supplier, Greece
Market study and development of business model for CNG and small-scale LNG for a gas supply company, Private Energy Supplier, Greece
Technical support to the Regulatory Authority of Energy on gas market development, Regulatory Authority of Energy of Cyprus, Cyprus
EU harmonization of the Cypriot oil sector – Advice to the Cypriot Government on establishing compulsory oil stocks and oil market restructuring, EC/Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Industry, Cyprus
Assistance to Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) on the regulatory framework development and training for the implementation of the Natural Gas Market Law and secondary legislations, WB/EMRA, Turkey
Preparation of technical specifications and Tender Dossier for the Information System of the Gas Market Operator, Transgaz, Romania
Restructuring the natural gas market in Greece, Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE), Greece
Consultancy services for a natural gas market assessment study of selected South-Eastern European countries in the context of the IBG project, Group of major gas companies, Greece, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary
Consulting services for the modification of the Tariff Regulation of the National Natural Gas System and harmonization with the EU Regulation, Energy Regulatory Authority, Greece
Feasibility Studies and development of Large Infrastructure Projects
Feasibility study and preparation of tender documents for developing a small hydropower station at Kafue Gorge, Kafue Gorge Regional Training Centre (KGRTC), Zambia
Feasibility studies and investor’s application dossiers for licensing of 7 small hydro power plants, EYDAP S.A. (Athens Water and Sewage Company), Greece
Feasibility studies and water management for 3 large hydropower plants 650MW and a multi-purpose hydropower plant 30 MW, under the project “Investment Options in the Energy Sector”, EuropeAid and Ministry of Economy, North Macedonia
Feasibility study, Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and provision of supporting services for the project “Phase II: DC Interconnection, 2×350 MW capability, Crete-Attica, Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO), Greece
Feasibility study, Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and provision of supporting services for the project 150 kV AC INTERCONNECTION 2×200 MVA (2×140 MW) CRETE-PELOPONNESE, Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO), Greece
The 2ndbackbone UHV corridor Kakhovka – Primorska – Dnistrovska – Khmelnitska: Feasibility study for the 750 kV interconnection line, EBRD, Ukraine
Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) Greek Section – Prefeasibility study, route refinement, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), TAP A.G., Greece
Basic engineering design, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), safety and other studies for the 2ndExpansion of the LNG Terminal at Revithoussa Island, Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator (DESFA), Greece
Feasibility study for the construction of Tirana 3 New Substation 220/110 kV and 110 kV Tirana Ring reinforcement, EC, Albania
Feasibility study and Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for Serbian Gas Transmission Pipeline (to Bulgaria), EC, Serbia
Investment options in the energy sector, European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR), North Macedonia
Feasibility study (regulatory and market analysis) for a 500 MW CCGT IPP, IFC/WB, Albania
Cost Benefit Analysis of the medium and low-pressure Natural Gas distribution network in the wider area of Halkis, Evia, Public Gas Corporation (DEPA) S.A., Greece
Cost Benefit Analysis of energy investments on behalf of PPC including the electric interconnection of Cyclades islands, the construction of high-voltage substations and underground transmission linesand the Kos – Kalymnos Islands submarine transmission line, Public Power Corporation (PPC), Greece
Development of feasibility study, CBA study and supporting services for the Project: Interconnection of south-west Cyclades to the national electricity transmission system, IPTO, Greece
Thermodynamic Analysis of a 300 MW CCGT, WB/IFC, Myanmar
Energy Efficiency in Industry
EU/IPA Energy sector technical assistance project – consultancy services for the energy efficiency component, EuropeAid, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Turkey
Verification of completion of renewable energy and energy efficiency investments in the industrial and building Sector under the Caucasus Energy Credit Line Facility (CEEP II), EBRD, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan
Promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency in industry, KfW, Albania
Supporting the use of alternative fuels in the cement industry, EC/DG ENER, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Holland, Cyprus, Turkey
Energy audit at a major food industry, Private Client, Greece
Energy and CO2 audit at a cement plant, Private Client, Bulgaria
Feasibility study for energy efficiency investments in an aluminum company and preparation of investor’s application dossier for requesting state financial incentives, Private Client, Greece
Series of training courses on Energy Management in industry and large buildings, Private clients, Greece, CEE, NIS
EBRD Western Balkans Sustainable Energy Direct Financing Facility (WeBSEDFF) – Verification consultant, EBRD, Western Balkans
Fuel conversion and heat infrastructure modernization, EC/EuropeAid, Lithuania
Design of an energy efficiency Project Development Assistance Facility in North Macedonia, WB and Ministry of Economy, North Macedonia
Detailed energy audits at ceramic tile production plant, aluminum production and processing plant and wood processing plant, Private Clients, Greece
Design of a Monitoring & Targeting (M&T) system and installation of the software “Montage” for a major Aluminum Extrusion Industry, Private Client, Greece
Design of (M&T) systems and Installation of the software “Montage” for 14 industries, EC Programme, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia
Study of the energy system of a complex of plants (Aluminum & Carpet Manufacturing), Private Client, Greece
Support for CSF subsidization of energy efficiency investments for a CHP biogas fired plant, small hydro power plants, and a wind park, Private Clients, Greece
Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Armenian Public Buildings Energy Efficiency Programme (Phase 1 – Yerevan Energy Efficiency II), EIB, Armenia
Clean Energy Cooperation with India (CECI): Legal and policy support to the development and implementation of energy efficiency legislation for the building sector, EuropeAid, India
Support in development of the long-term strategy for mobilizing investment in the renovation of the national stock of buildings till 2030, EU4Energy/ Energy Community and Ministry of Economy, Moldova
Implementation of an energy efficiency programme in public buildings, KfW and Ministry of Education, Montenegro
Development of an investment programme for buildings rehabilitation, JASPERS, Romania
Study on energy efficiency measures in public buildings, European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR), Kosovo
Development and pilot implementation of innovative methodologies for techno-economic studies on energy retrofit of public buildings and mitigation of urban heat island for public open spaces, CRES, Greece
Transposition of the EPBD recast to the legal framework of Cyprus for the definition of the Nearly Zero Energy Buildings, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Cyprus
Energy audits in public sector buildings, EC/DC ENER Programme, Greece, Bulgaria
Energy audit in the Ioannina prefecture’s building, Prefecture of Ioannina, Greece
Low energy and low cost social housing for enlarged Europe, DG ENER Programme, CEE countries
Rehabilitation of the orphanage building in Korca, Albania, EETAA, Albania
Integrated energy efficiency interventions and PV installation in a hotel, Private Client, Greece
Energy audits in public and municipal buildings, DG REGIO Programme, Greece, Austria, Bulgaria, Romania
Demonstration project for energy efficiency in multi-dwelling houses with individual heating in Bulgaria, EC/DG ENER Programme, Bulgaria
Energy conservation assessment of Estonian buildings, EC/DG ENER Programme, Estonia
Improvement of energy efficiency use in the hotels of the Black Sea, EC/DG ENER, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania
Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
Support for grid integrated renewable energy generation, EuropeAid and Ministry of Economic Development, Kosovo
Technical support for clean energy investments in Greece, GIZ, Greece
Feasibility study for the construction of a hybrid photovoltaic / diesel plant in the city of Agadez, MWH SA/NV, Republic of Niger
Support to the Ministry of Economy in regulatory framework improvement related to renewable energy, World Bank, Montenegro
Consultancy services for the Issuing of Guarantees of Origin in generation from RES and Cogeneration, Transmission System Operator, Cyprus
Preparation of many application dossiers for power generation licenses for the development of wind and PV projects, Private Clients, Greece
Assessment of implementation of sector budget “Renewable energy and Energy Efficiency Programme in Jordan”, EuropeAid and Ministry of International Cooperation, Jordan
Technoeconomic Audits for 32 Renewable Energy Projects, Private Clients, Greece
Support and development of renewable sources of energy in Ukraine/ establishment of a biomass ESCO, EuropeAid, Ukraine
Technical appraisal and monitoring of a micro-hydro programme in Pakistan, EuropeAid, Pakistan
Technical assistance for strengthening the institutional capacity of Iller Bank on the direct utilization of geothermal energy, EC and Iller Bank, Turkey
Operationalization of the Renewable Energy Fund, EuropeAid, Ghana
Feasibility Study for the manufacturing & recycling of Solar Batteries, EuropeAid, Eritrea
Assessment of the CHP potential in Cyprus, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Cyprus
Assessment of the CHP potential in Greece, Ministry of Development, Greece
EBRD Western Balkans Sustainable Energy Direct Financing Facility (WeBSEDFF) – Verification consultant, EBRD, Western Balkans
Reform of the European Sugar Industry based on Polygeneration with the use of Energy Crops (RESIPE), EC/FP6, various EU countries
Development of co-firing power generation market opportunities to enhance EU biomass sector through international co-operation with China, EC/DG TREN, China
Prefeasibility study for a biomass cogeneration unit in a wood processing industry, Private Client, Greece
Preparation of a database with environmental requirements for wind farm projects, URS Spain, Greece
Development of a sustainable bioenergy market, GIZ, Serbia
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
EIA study preparation for PV Park of 187.5MW in Western and Central Macedonia, HELLENiQ ENERGY, Greece
Environmental & Social Consultant – University of West Attica Student Accommodation via a Public Private Partnership (PPP), University of West Attica- Fyli Municipality- EBRD, Greece
2 EIA studies elaboration for 2 PV plants (100 MW and 93 MW) with integrated storage, Voltalia Greece, Greece
Social Expert for New Theageneio Hospital via a Public Private Partnership (PPP), Ministry of Health-EBRD, Greece
Transadriatic Pipeline (TAP) – Route Refinement, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), ESIA Amendments, ERM Italia- Asprofos – E.ON Engineering Deutschland – TAP AG – J/V Bonnati Spa / J&P Avax S.A, Greece
Environmental and Social Studies for hydrocarbon exploration program in two offshore blocks, private company, Greece
Feasibility Study for floating PV plant at dam lake, Private Client, Greece
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study for four wind parks in Central Macedonia, ENERFARM, Greece
Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (ICGB) Environmental and Social Monitoring, RSK/ ICGB AD, Greece
Master Plan for the South Ukraine Regional Transmission Network Development including Solar and Wind Power Integration, GOPA-Intec, Ukraine
ESIA for the onshore section of the High Pressure Natural Gas Pipeline “Komotini- N.Mesimvria- Thesprotia” including the Compressor Stations at Kipi and Komotini, Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator S.A. (DESFA), Greece
Revision of local ESIA to IFC standards in Dezful, METKA SA, Iran
IPF4 – Pristina-Merdare section of SEETO Route 7, Ministry of Infrastructure, Kosovo
Environmental Assessment in a power and telecommunications cable manufacturing plant, NEXANS HELLAS S.A., Greece
Support on the environmental, socioeconomic (including Stakeholder Engagement) and cultural heritage components of the EastMed Pipeline, INTECSEA – C&M, Cyprus – Greece
Basic Engineering Design, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Safety and Other Studies, Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator (DESFA) S.A., Greece
ESIA for a small Hydro Power Plant at Kafue Gorge, Swiss International Development Cooperation Agency and complied with World Bank Safeguards, Zambia
Study Update and FEED for the Burgas – Alexandroupolis Crude Oil Pipeline Project (BAP), Trans-Balkan Pipeline B.V., Greece
Environmental Impact Assessment for Three Wind Farms, EP HZHB/KFW, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Environmental Impact Assessment and concession study for Aliveri natural gas pipeline, Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator (DESFA) S.A., Greece
Environmental permitting for 150 kV electricity transmission line at Volos & updating of environmental terms of Volos IPP, Private Client, Greece
Environmental Impact Assessment for a 400 MW CCNG power plant and the HV transmission line for its connection to the grid, Private Client, Greece
Environmental Impact Assessment for the Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) at Vassilicos, Single Buoy Moorings (SBM) Inc., Cyprus
Technical Feasibility Study for the Interconnector Greece-Italy (IGI), PLE – INTEC, Greece
Environmental Impact Assessment for a tourism complex, Prufrock Investments, Greece
Route optimisation and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the onshore section of the Interconnector Greece-Italy (IGI) pipeline, Hellenic Gas Transport System Operator, Greece
EBRD – The Second Backbone UHV Corridor: Kakhovka-Primorska-Dnistrovska-Khmelnitska, GOPA-INTEC, Ukraine
Environmental Impact Assessment for a commercial centre, ARTUME S.A. (Property Development and Sale), Greece
Environmental Impact Assessment for offshore IGI project, DEPA, Greece
Pre-feasibility studies for developing the North-South gas transit interconnections in Caucasus and Central Asia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan
EHS Management & Compliance Assessments
HEDNO (Greek Electricity Distribution Operator) technical, environmental and commercial due diligence, Private Client, Greece
Environmental Due Diligence for several industrial clients, in collaboration with other major due diligence companies in Europe (i.e. RAMBOLL-ENVIRON, DNV, AECOM, ERM, WS Atkins, WSP, COWI, JACOBS etc.), private clients, Greece
Fatal Flaw Analysis and Red Flags Reports for numerous RES projects, Private Clients, Greece
Environmental, Health & Safety Compliance Auditing with local legislation and internal Management Systems, private clients, Greece
Development of Environmental and H&S legal databases, private clients, Greece
Health, Safety, Security and Environmental (HSSE) Assessments, private clients, Greece
Unilever SHE Compliance Visits, Ramboll Environment & Health GmbH, Greece – Cyprus
Development and implementation of an Occupational Health & Safety Management System according to OHSAS 18001 for Natural Gas installations, Natural Gas Corporation (DEPA) S.A., Greece
HSE support to the construction of the Grammatiko – Aliveri offshore NG pipeline, ELTER A.T.E, Greece
Development and implementation of EMS according to ISO 14001 for two hydro plants, Public Power Corporation, Greece
EDD at former industrial sites prior to the development of a commercial centre, private client, Greece
Siting assessment review for a tourism development, Prufrock Investments Ltd., Greece
Development and Implementation of an EMS according to ISO14001 at a textile plant, TETEKS, North Macedonia
Environmental Policy and Strategy
SRSS support to the preparation of territorial just transition plans, European Commission Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS), Greece – Cyprus
Roadmap for the systematisation of environmental legislation in Greece, European Commission Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS), Greece
Penalties applicable for infringement of the provisions of the REACH Regulation in the Member States, Greece – Cyprus
Development of a methodology and decision-support tool for the calculation of administrative penalties for environmental non-compliance in Greece, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Greece
Provision of Technical Expertise for SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) screening and scoping for the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), Border Management and Visa Instrument (BMVI) Operational Programmes, Malta
Strategy for the deployment of biofuels in transport in the Eastern European market, EC/DG ENER Programme, Eastern Europe
Gathering Information on New Environment Policies, Milieu Ltd., Greece – Cyprus
Support to the implementation of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) in Bosnia, Ministry of Environment, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Promoting Climate Change Policies in Turkey, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Turkey
Environmental Policies for EU approximation of North Macedonia, EC/DG ENER Programme, North Macedonia
Support to the Regulatory Authority for Energy Cyprus (CERA) in compliance with the Gotenborg Protocol and IED Directive, CERA, Cyprus
Environmental Management in Organised Industrial Zones in Turkey, Ministry of Environment, Turkey
Risk management at hazardous substances storage areas in airports, ports and railway stations, Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (YPEHODE), Greece
Capacity building for solid waste management in Turkey, Ministry of Environment, Turkey
Waste Management in Island Communities: Strategy to Integrate Waste to Energy Policies, EC/DG TREN, Sweden, Finland, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus
Water regulation review for Greece, DANONE / URS France, Greece
Waste management and energy savings, Ministry of Industry, Bulgaria
Support for the design of the National Allocation Plan and the monitoring of GHG emissions in Greece, Ministry of Development, Greece
Municipal waste management in a number of Indian cities, Asia Pro-Eco Programme, European Commission, India
Training on Environmental Management and Support Tools in Vietnam, RIET, Vietnam
Implementation of EMAS (Eco Management and Audit Scheme) in Turkey, Ministry of Environment, Turkey
Ecological Assessment, Survey and Mitigation – Other Specialist Services
Biorestoration close out support & afforestation baseline monitoring, Transadriatic Pipeline (TAP), Greece- Albania
Species-specific surveys, post-construction survey design plans, terrestrial habitat mapping, residual impact assessment and offset design, Transadriatic Pipeline (TAP), Greece– Albania
Preconstruction Surveys and environmental monitoring for the Transadriatic Pipeline, RSK, Greece
Provision of reinstatement and reforestation study for TAP project sections 2 and 3, Bonnati / J&P AVAX, Greece
ESIA for the onshore section of the High Pressure Natural Gas Pipeline “Komotini- N.Mesimvria- Thesprotia” including the Compressor Stations at Kipi and Komotini, Greece, Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator S.A. (DESFA), Greece
Framework Contract for Transadriatic Pipeline Project (East and West), E.ON Engineering Deutschland, Greece
Transadriatic Pipeline – Route Refinement, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), ERM Italia/ Asprofos, Greece
Route optimisation and ESIA for the onshore section of the Interconnector Greece-Italy pipeline, Hellenic Gas Transport System Operator, Greece
TAP-Human Rights Impact Assessment for Greece, Ergon Associates Ltd, Greece
Concession study for coast- and shore-line for Aliveri NG pipeline, Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator (DESFA) S.A., Greece
Survey of air emissions, liquid and solid waste from industry and air emissions from central heating in Greece, Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (YPEHODE), Greece
Water Efficiency
Environmental & Social Consultant for Minagiotiko Dam and Irrigation Network Project via a Public Private Partnership (PPP), Ministry of Rural Development and Food-EBRD, Greece
Social Expert for Rehabilitation and Modernisation of Tavropos Irrigation Networks via a Public Private Partnership, Ministry of Rural Development and Food- EBRD, Greece
Social Consultant for Nestos Irrigation project via a Public Private Partnership (PPP), Ministry of Rural Development and Food- EBRD, Greece
Technical Assistance to support implementation of water and sanitation programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina, EU Delegation, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Study for water efficiency and wastewater management for industrial zones, World Bank/IFC, Pakistan
Egypt Fayoum Wastewater Expansion Project – Environmental and Social Assessment and Audit, HCL Consultants Ltd (HCL), Egypt
Water exploitation of treated wastewater in Attica Prefecture, TEDKNA (Local Union of Municipalities & Communities of Attica), Greece
Bulgaria surface water chemical status assessment methodology, World Bank, Bulgaria
Water and power co-generation implementation in the Mediterranean islands and coastal areas, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES), Greece – Italy
Support for water management of rural and insular communities, Municipality of Thiva, Greece
Water Supply from the Iber Lepenc Hydro System for the Proposed Kosovo C Power Plant, European Agency for Reconstruction, Kosovo
Assessment of hydro-potential in Belarus, EuropeAid, Belarus
Consultant on blue (water related) bonds initiatives, IFC, Croatia, Georgia, Jordan, Oman, Pakistan, Romania, Turkey, Uzbekistan
Supporting the Black Sea Trade & Development Bank in the review and implementation of its Climate Strategy, AFD and BSTDB, Black Sea region
Uzbekistan Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) – Verification Consultant, EBRD, Uzbekistan
EBRD Western Balkans Sustainable Energy Direct Financing Facility (WeBSEDFF) – Verification consultant, EBRD, Western Balkans
Expert advice on ETS investments for Just Transition Plan assessments, DG CLIMA, EU
Agricultural & Biofuels overviews around Africa- Mapping investment opportunities around the continent, Total Energies, Africa
Provision of services in the area of evaluation, analysis, support to impact assessments and implementation of climate policies, EC/DG CLIMA, EU
Climate adaptation study for high voltage electricity interconnection between Attica and Crete, Private Client, Greece
Study on actual GHG data for diesel, petrol, kerosene and natural gas, EC/DG ENER, EU
Modelling of EU climate policies: EU-CLIMIT I & II, EC/DG CLIMA, EU
Support for the design of the National Allocation Plan and the monitoring of GHG emissions in Greece, Ministry of Development, Greece
Promoting climate change policies in Turkey, EC/LIFE Programme, Turkey
Energy and CO2 emissions audit at a cement plant, Private Client, Bulgaria
The impacts of CO2 Emission Trading (EU ETS) in the Greek electricity market, Private Client, Greece
Support actions for the national Implementation of the EU Directive on emissions trading, EC/3rd Community Support Framework, Greece
Assessment of carbon emission costs and risks for a CCGT power station of 440MW, Private Client, Greece
Review of environmental sensitivity, Skala project, private client, Greece
Support climate friendly development of Municipality of Fyli within the Green Cities Accord (GCA), EC and Fyli Municipality, Greece
Technical Assistance for climate resilience and circular economy of the productive SMEs of Trakya region, EC/EuropeAid, Turkey
Reviewing the contribution of the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry sector to the Green Deal, EC/DG CLIMA, EU
Support analysis of consultations for the reviews of the EU Emissions Trading System, including a possible extension of EU emission trading to the maritime sector, and the Effort Sharing Regulation, EC/DG CLIMA, EU
Proposals for investments greening hotels, Hellenic Chamber of Hotels, Greece
Climate change adaptation pilot study for HEDNO, Electricity Distribution Operator, Greece
Business continuity plan for HEDNO, Electricity Distribution Operator, Greece
Climate adaptation and vulnerability study for an electric utility, private client, Greece
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