TAF to support BSTDB’s efforts in the-implementation of its climate change strategy

The dissemination event aiming at introducing the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank’s (BSTDB) climate change strategy and presenting the results of the needs assessment and recommendations for the development and implementation of the Βank’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) took place on Tuesday 9th of November in the presence of BSTDB’s President, Mr. Dmitry Pankin and AFD’s Regional director for EURASIA, Ms. Cécile Couprie.

The event was attended by over 70 participants from the Bank’s staff and opened with the presentation of its Climate Change Strategy by Mr. Mircea Cojocaru, Head of the Environmental and Social Sustainability Office. Then the presentation led by Ms. Meriem Maachi Haddou, Head of the Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Unit at EXERGIA, allowed for stirring the conversation within the Bank about the upcoming implementation of its climate strategy which main objective is to support its Member States in aligning with their NDC targets and would entail the launch of new financial products such as green and blue bonds that could best serve their low carbon transition needs.

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